Justin and I have been presenting at the Leadership Adventures 2024 Equine Assisted Learning Summit this weekend. What a joyous and inspiring event. Our presentation later today is entitled The Art of Allowing. We are exploring how to leverage the qualities and characteristics of complex systems theory to help guide our engagement in the process of growth.
Heady topic, I know. But, the application is simple and powerful. There are dynamics in this world which are simply the a reflection of its complexity. Here are a few…
There is a drive for self-organization. Left alone complex systems move toward organized and stable patterns. Think personality.
They are emergent. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Characteristics of the system arise from the interaction of the parts rather than from the parts themselves and can not be predicted by the characteristics of the parts. We are all more than our organ systems.
They are interconnected. Parts of a complex system are interdependent and connected to each other and the environment through a flow of energy and information. Mind-body connection for example.
They are sensitive to initial conditions (non-linear). Small changes in initial conditions can lead to large changes in outcomes over time. The effects are not proportional to causes. This is the butterfly effect.
Finally, a well functioning complex system has an open flow of energy and information between its parts. When that flow breaks down, the system becomes rigid and/or chaotic until that block to the flow is reopened allowing the system to reintegrate. This, by the way, describes all of human psychopathology and every behavioral issue in horses.
Our point today is a simple one. When fostering growth in ourselves, others, our horses, or our relationships; we must respect the complexity of the systems involved. We have the power to influence the initial conditions. We can present our best selves and set positive intentions, and do our best to open the flow of energy and information. Then we need to get out of the way and allow. Allow for the emergence of new and different qualities, characteristics experiences, and levels of organization.
This is the very first time we are presenting out reflections on complex systems theory in an organized way. We have done our best to prepare and create a set of initial conditions that we hope will increase the probability of a meaningful experience for all involved. So here it goes. We will honor the magic of complexity and… allow. ~ Paul
#equestrian ##sportpsych #equestriansportpsych #sportpsychology #equestriansportpsychology #complexity #complexsystemstheory #2024ealsummit #growth #braintrain #trainyournervoussystem #overcomingchallenge #emotionalneeds #equestrian #equestrianlife #sportpsych #equestriansportpsych #sportpsychology #equestriansportpsychology
Justin and I have been presenting at the Leadership Adventures 2024 Equine Assisted Learning Summit this weekend. What a joyous and inspiring event. Our presentation later today is entitled The Art of Allowing. We are exploring how to leverage the qualities and characteristics of complex systems theory to help guide our engagement in the process of growth.
Heady topic, I know. But, the application is simple and powerful. There are dynamics in this world which are simply the a reflection of its complexity. Here are a few…
There is a drive for self-organization. Left alone complex systems move toward organized and stable patterns. Think personality.
They are emergent. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Characteristics of the system arise from the interaction of the parts rather than from the parts themselves and can not be predicted by the characteristics of the parts. We are all more than our organ systems.
They are interconnected. Parts of a complex system are interdependent and connected to each other and the environment through a flow of energy and information. Mind-body connection for example.
They are sensitive to initial conditions (non-linear). Small changes in initial conditions can lead to large changes in outcomes over time. The effects are not proportional to causes. This is the butterfly effect.
Finally, a well functioning complex system has an open flow of energy and information between its parts. When that flow breaks down, the system becomes rigid and/or chaotic until that block to the flow is reopened allowing the system to reintegrate. This, by the way, describes all of human psychopathology and every behavioral issue in horses.
Our point today is a simple one. When fostering growth in ourselves, others, our horses, or our relationships; we must respect the complexity of the systems involved. We have the power to influence the initial conditions. We can present our best selves and set positive intentions, and do our best to open the flow of energy and information. Then we need to get out of the way and allow. Allow for the emergence of new and different qualities, characteristics experiences, and levels of organization.
This is the very first time we are presenting out reflections on complex systems theory in an organized way. We have done our best to prepare and create a set of initial conditions that we hope will increase the probability of a meaningful experience for all involved. So here it goes. We will honor the magic of complexity and… allow. ~ Paul
#equestrian ##sportpsych #equestriansportpsych #sportpsychology #equestriansportpsychology #complexity #complexsystemstheory #2024ealsummit #growth #braintrain #trainyournervoussystem #overcomingchallenge #emotionalneeds #equestrian #equestrianlife #sportpsych #equestriansportpsych #sportpsychology #equestriansportpsychology