For some reason the use of our imagination seems to have been indelibly linked to creativity and the future. Let’s be clear, I delight in the creative dimensions of imagination. We get to experience worlds that have never been and give form to our wishes and dreams. Using our imagination this way helps us open doors in ways that lived experience never can.
But, why stop there?
Our imagination is also a powerful tool that we can use to mine our past for riches and resources in our lived experience. And, it is a fabulous tool for practice. One hard truth of riding is that we are always limited in the practice repetitions when we ride. It is simply not like golf where you can grab a bucket of balls and practice your swing hundreds of time in one session.
Imagine how much progress you could make in on your riding if you could effectively navigate that challenging bending line like you did in your lesson yesterday or ride the amazing tempe changes you nailed in competition last week over, and over again. Just imagine. Just imagine. Yes… imagine because, in our imagination we can.
Reliving effective rides or movements in our imagination is a powerful tool for building skills and creating ease and automaticity. What I can’t imagine is that it’s uses stop there.
How do you use your imagination to progress in your riding?
~ Paul
For some reason the use of our imagination seems to have been indelibly linked to creativity and the future. Let’s be clear, I delight in the creative dimensions of imagination. We get to experience worlds that have never been and give form to our wishes and dreams. Using our imagination this way helps us open doors in ways that lived experience never can.
But, why stop there?
Our imagination is also a powerful tool that we can use to mine our past for riches and resources in our lived experience. And, it is a fabulous tool for practice. One hard truth of riding is that we are always limited in the practice repetitions when we ride. It is simply not like golf where you can grab a bucket of balls and practice your swing hundreds of time in one session.
Imagine how much progress you could make in on your riding if you could effectively navigate that challenging bending line like you did in your lesson yesterday or ride the amazing tempe changes you nailed in competition last week over, and over again. Just imagine. Just imagine. Yes… imagine because, in our imagination we can.
Reliving effective rides or movements in our imagination is a powerful tool for building skills and creating ease and automaticity. What I can’t imagine is that it’s uses stop there.
How do you use your imagination to progress in your riding?
~ Paul