Our brain is amazingly complex and central to all that we do. How our brain is working impacts our behavior, mindset, thoughts, and even our most basic physiological functions.
As equestrians we strive to be our best for our horses. We know that to be our best we need to regulate our thinking, manage our emotions, and coordinate our behavior both for ourselves and for our horses. To do this well under pressure relies on a commitment to careful preparation and training of the whole person and the whole horse. Neurofeedback brain training for equestrians can help with this.
Given the central integrated role of our brain in all that we do with horses, it only makes sense that we work to strengthen our brain function.
Yet, the incredibly complex and ever changing nature of the brain makes this extremely challenging. Many attempts to train the brain have focused on strengthening specific skills like memory and problem solving. Others have used neurofeedback to more directly train the brain. Unfortunately, these approaches are limited in that they focus on training the brain to do one thing. Sort of like a fitness trainer working on strengthening one specific muscle. While these approaches may be helpful in addressing some problems, they fall short of supporting the efficient function of the brain as a whole.
Through our partnership with Neurofficient, we are very excited to be able to offer cutting edge dynamical neurofeedback brain training for equestrians.
Neurofficient is a company devoted to providing cutting edge brain training for all. Through this partnership, we are using the NeurOptimal® advanced brain training system which is designed to help your brain function at its best. Each person’s brain is unique. Rather than deciding for you how your brain should work, NeurOptimal® provides your brain the information that it needs to adjust and re-organize itself for optimal functioning. The result… your brain functioning at its own unique “personal best.”